Tailored Home Care COVID Update 4/6/2020

Quick update for Tailored Home Care clients and staff regarding our COVID precautions and plans

As of 4/6/2020 Tailored Home Care, Inc. has 0 cases of the virus and we would like to keep it that way. Our caregivers are working non-stop to protect your loved ones and keep themselves safe. Here are some things we are doing to keep this number at 0:

  1. Masks have been made and are being delivered tomorrow as well as the filters to put inside.
  2. Hand Sanitizer has been ordered for pickup 4/7/2020 and will be distributed to each caregiver.
  3. We are continuing weekly screening of caregivers and clients by phone.
  4. Caregivers are screened daily by a “fit for duty” questionnaire they complete in their mobile app.
  5. Clients are staying home and we are assisting some families with grocery delivery options.
  6. Caregivers are keeping clients calm and encouraging them not to watch the news.
  7. This Wednesday/Thursday Emily will be visiting each home for a supervisory visit. We will stand outside the door 6 ft away from the client if possible. She will have a N-95 mask, new scrubs, and gloves if entering the home is needed.
  8. During the supervisory visits, Emily will be dropping off care packages for the caregivers and clients. Please use these items wisely and conservatively.

I am attaching a document that was sent to us regarding possible scams to warn seniors about. Please review this and make sure you are watching bank statements, mail, etc. for all loved ones and clients. I am also attaching a video that was sent to us by a physician regarding how to keep your family safe. Here are some key points from this video:

  • 1 person in the household needs to be the designated person that goes to the store, bank, etc.
  • Wear a mask (bandana, or homemade masks) if possible to keep from touching your face
  • Wash your hands after touching any surface. Use hand sanitizer after touching anything.
  • Be aware of where your hands are and where they have been


Please reach out to us with any questions. We are being 100% transparent with all of our caregivers and clients. If there are any threats to us, we will alert you and not hide anything from you. We are blessed to have wonderful caregivers that are doing an EXCELLENT job keeping us all safe. Please visit our blog with activities/live feeds for things to do during quarantine. https://tailoredhomecareinc.com/covid-19/at-home-activities-for-seniors-and-families/

TOP+COVID-19+SCAMS+(PDF)  Downloadable version

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