Technologies That Minimize the Risk of Falls

Help keep the seniors in your life safe with these emerging solutions.

One in four Americans over age 65 falls every year. That’s a scary number, but you can take steps to protect your loved ones now. November is fall prevention month, and we’d like to share some key tips for keeping your aging family members safe. Technologies that can help detect a high risk of falls, prevent accidents, and get seniors the help they need if they do fall have been quickly emerging. We’re excited to tell you about them here—read on to learn more!

Sensors that predict a heightened risk of falls

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is helping detect any changes in seniors’ gait that could mark a high risk of falls. Sensors that determine shifts in walking patterns can set off an alarm to notify seniors and caregivers that a fall could be imminent.

Two California-based startups have developed complex systems that use a mixture of cameras, sensors, and other tools to detect fall risks. CherryHome and SafelyYou provide promising solutions for keeping seniors safe.

Two other fall-detection products are the BioSole and FallSkip. The BioSole collects data from inside the wearer’s shoe to evaluate gait irregularities. FallSkip, worn as a waistband, collects data on reaction time, coordination, balance, and strength as well as gait.

Other products notify a caregiver if a senior tries to stand up without assistance.

Wearable fall-protection devices

A wearable fall-protection belt can determine when a fall is about to happen and deploy airbags for protection. Helite Hip’Air and ActiveProtective are two products that automatically provide cushioning for a fall if it occurs. The user wears them as a waistband or belt, cushioning the hips to help prevent fractures.

Emergency response alerts

Other technologies can automatically call for help if a fall has occurred. An Apple Watch can detect when someone has fallen and become immobilized, for instance. If the person doesn’t signal that they’re okay, it will notify emergency services. Other products send a notification to a designated emergency contact.

If you have a family member who is at high risk of falls, these new advancements in fall prevention can help. Make sure they’re equipped with the right technology that can help them avoid falls or get the help they need as quickly as possible.


Aging and Health Technology Watch, “Ten Technologies That Can Help with Fall Detection in 2019”

Assisted Living Home Care Services, “Caregiving and Technology Strategies to Prevent Falls”

CDC, “Keep on Your Feet–Preventing Older Adult Falls”

HealthTech Magazine, “How AI Is Helping Predict and Prevent Senior Falls”

PR Newswire, “Latest 2020 Technologies for Senior Safety and Protection”

Seniors Lifestyle Mag, “Smart Technology And Tracking Devices To Prevent Falls And Injuries”

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